
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

10 ways to use Vaseline in your beauty routine

Znate li da Vazelin možete koristi na različite načine ?
Trebao bi biti svakoj curi must have
A evo i zašto

Njega obrva i trepavica

Ako nanesete malo vazelina svaku večer prije spavanja na trepavice, s vremenom će rasti gušće i duže. Možete ga koristi i za neposlužne obrve.

Odstranjivač šminke
Vazelin odstranjuje šminku u par poteza. Samo trebate dobro isprati, da nebi izazvao iritaciju oka.
Suha koža
Suhe noge i ruke, laktovi ? Prije spavanja nanesite na suhe dijelove, ujutro će te se probuditi sa glatkom i nježnom kožom.
Možete koristiti za osjetljive usnice, isušene , ispucane. Ili kao piling, trebate dodati samo malo smeđeg šećera.
Mrlje od boje za kosu

Utrljajte vazelin uz liniju kose, po vratu i iza uha, na taj način ćete izbjeći mrlje od boje.
Malu količinu vazelina stavite na obraze, za lijepi sjaj.


Odličan je za njegu kutikula.Malu količinu nanesite, ostavite da djeluje par minuta, i s lakoćom ćete kutikule pogurati nazad.

Dugotrajni parfem

Nanesite ga na točke gdje inače stavljate parfem, i duže će trajati miris.

Za  kremasto sjenilo ili rumenilo, samo dodajte malo vazelina.

Malu količinu stavite na kosu, i tako je stilizirajte, primjetit ćete da  će nakon nekog vremena vaša kosa biti zdravija. Može i ukrotiti neposlušne vlasi. 
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Sunday, February 23, 2014

What's on my phone? Tag

 This tag is ever so popular in blogs and videos across the Internet and so I decided I have to make one of my own as I got most of my app ideas from other people's tags. So here it is, in all its glory, the what's on my iPhone tag!

The above are the 3 "pages" I currently have in my phone. The first page is filled with app copies or "pretty versions" if you will, from CocoPpa. By the way, if your not aware of this app, you must try it out as you can personalize your phone apps and make your phone all pretty with it. The app just creates shortcuts of the applications in your phone so be aware that you have to keep the real apps somewhere on your mobile still. You can also assign a picture to a certain contact for sms or call or a certain email address. You cannot assign a picture to any of the apps that come with the phone standard. Only the ones that you download extra.
I have decided to explain the more unique apps that I have as most of you already know what apps such as Facebook and  Instagram are. Of course if you have any questions on a app that's not mentioned, feel free to ask in the comments below:

Here we go, from top to bottom, left to right:

Multipluscard: This is my Konzum/Kozmo card digitized! This is so I don't have to carry the card around with me everywhere.
Pink Pad: My period/PMS tracker
My Shopping List: A great app where you can just choose items (includes pictures) that you need to buy and it creates a grocery list for you. Then you just check them off when you put them in your cart!
Craftgawker: An amazing app that has TONS of craft ideas gathered from all over the Internet!
Stylegawker: Just like the above, this app gathers style and fashion ideas from all over the Internet.
Relax M: This is a great app for relaxation music. I use it while in the sauna after the gym or before I go to bed if I can't sleep. 
Candy Crush: The ever so popular candy crush. At first I was against this game, but like most people, I too soon got addicted!
Wunderlist: This app is awesome for making lists for shopping, packing, to-do, basically anything. Once you complete the thing on the list, you check it off!
Pixlr Express: This is my go-to photo editing app. It has the most frames, exposures, overlays, and fonts available for free! You can make any picture amazing on this app. It is definitely a mist have!
InstaBokeh: This is my bokeh photo editing app. It has a ton of options for free for adding light effects such as hearts, stars, and polka dots on top of your photos.
BokehCam: Almost the same app as above except here, you can add individual stars, hearts and polka dots.
Dumb Ways to Die: This is the funniest and cutest game. Its very quick and you have to perform various tasks to try and save the little guys in the game :)

Bottom Bar-
Hubbie: to instantly call my fiance
Facebook: to access Facebook
Email: to send an email to my mom
Messenger: to access Facebook messenger

 These next two pictures are of my Photos and Travel sub categories.
Font Candy: This is a photo editing app where you can add words on top of photos.
Cutify Me: Also a photo editing app that allows you to add cute pictures and frames to your photos!
Framatic: This is a photo editor which allows you to make collages with your pictures.
Lock + Call: I use this app to customize my call screen based on who calls.
Beauty Plus: This is such a cute photo editing app that allows you to fix blemishes, do some botox work and even remove weight! Lol

Maps, Passbook and Newstand came with the phone
Tripcase: I use this app to keep track of all my trips. I add the flight itinerary here and then track the gate numbers and flight numbers when needed.
Currency: My currency converter. Since I travel so much, I needed a reliable currency converter. With this app, you choose the currencies you use and convert between any of them. It updates automatically according to the currency value at the time. 

 These next two pictures are of my Blog and Lara (my cat) sub categories.

The iPhone 5, 5c and 5s are all adapt with cat paw sensitivity, which means your cat can touch the screen and it will react to their touch, but will not scratch it. The games below I have for when my kitty is bored and needs some mommy and me time.

Cat Fishing: A fishing game for cats where they catch fish that appear on the screen.
Jitterbug: Different kinds of bugs walk around your screen and cats can tap on them to make them disappear.
Cat Game: This is my cat's favorite app. The app includes a laser pointer which shoots around the screen and makes a noise when she touches it with her paw.

 The last two sub categories is my apps and stuff page. This is where the majority of the apps I have are kept hidden away because I mostly use the shortcuts on page 1 to open them. 
Reminders, Game center, iTunes, Videos came with the phone
Emoji 2: My emoji keyboard app.
Monogram: This is an awesome app for making monogram wallpapers. It has the largest selection for free.

And there we have it, my whole phone unveiled! Hopefully I have given you some great ideas for trying out new apps and of course I am always open to suggestions on new apps which will simplify my life and make it unique! Let me know any suggestions below!

(I have an iPhone 5c and the apps I have are all compatible with this model, I understand not all apps will be compatible with each model iPhone. The system I have is iOS 7.0.5)

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

DIY Body Scrubs

Why spend hundreds of kuna on a spa day when you can make one yourself at home! All you need is a bathtub, some candles, sweet music and a DIY homemade body scrub. We picked some of our faves to share with you for inspiration! The ingredients can be mixed as little or as much as you would like. If you want a more rough scrub, add more salt or sugar, for a lighter scrub, go heavy on the oils. Feel free to share your thoughts!
 Mmm coconut. This is a great summer scrub! The coconut oil is a wonderful moisturizer and the lime juice adds to that summery smell.

 A great winter night scrub, when all you want to do is cuddle under the blankets and watch TV. This scrub has 3 simple ingredients and will leave your skin feeling oh-so silky!

 The combination of lavender and rosemary have a great calming and anti-stress effect. Have a test coming up that you've just studied 5 hours straight for? Finish the night off with this easy to make scrub and you will feel brand new and stress free for the morning exam.

 Yummy vanilla is the key ingredient in this sweet scrub. Great for a weekend to yourself or pre-date. Mix up the ingredients and unwind in the loving scents of almond and vanilla. Plus, your date will smell the yumminess of vanilla and almond on you ;) What a better way to make a great first impression?

Have a busy day ahead of you? Wake up and unwind with this coffee scrub. Make some coffee and use the coffee grounds to mix in with the rest. This way you can enjoy a hot bath with coffee on your body while enjoying the aromatic beverage too!
We all need some time to ourselves once in a while. After all, we are girls and girls should always look and feel fabulous!
P.S- Don't forget I'm leaving for New York in less than a month and there will be a HUGE 2 package giveaway when I get back. The theme of the giveaway is "When in New York"and it will include items only available for purchase in the US! We're talking makeup, makeup tools, nail polish, jewelry, and other accessories so don't forget to keep up with us for all the giveaway rules which will come right after my return!
Love and luck,
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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The colors of Spring 2014

Jedva čekamo novo godišnje 
doba jer to znači nove boje i puno zabave 
Malo smo istražile koje su boje ovog proljeća,
pa evo da podijelimo tu informaciju s Vama :)

Radiant Orchid

Placid Blue


Violet Tulip

Dazzling Blue

Fressia Yellow

Celosia Orange





Što mislite o bojama za proljeće 2014 ?
Koje se Vama najviše sviđa?
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Monday, February 17, 2014

Our Bucket List

At some point in your life you realize that there are just some things that you need to do before the time comes and we get old. Here we have compiled a few things which are on our bucket lists and are absolute must have before we.. you know.. 'kick' the bucket.




Happy Living,
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