
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

White Rabbit for 2Girls1Brush Bags - Style #2

Hello Lovlies,

As we told you in our previous post here, we are happy happy to release the new White Rabbit for 2Girls1Brush bag! This one comes in one style and is perfect for summer outings!

Blue stripes and glittery red lips are the perfect combo for fashionistas of all ages. There is a limited quantity of these bags as they are special edition so be sure to send us an email at to grab yours today. Bags are 100% cotton.

Stay tuned for style # 3, 4 and 5... coming soon!

Kissey Kissey,
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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

White Rabbit for 2Girls1Brush Bag Sale!

Hello fashionistas,

Over the past couple of months we have been collaborating with a handbag design team called White Rabbit Designs. They are a duo of girls who design the cutest and most fashionable tote bags. The new collection is limited edition and designed for exclusively for us! 5 different designs with 4 colors each will be released throughout the next few weeks. The ladies have been working rapidly and meticulously to put our designs to life and the product is nothing short of perfect. 

This weeks design is a vintage perfume bottle. It is a 100% cotton tote bag with a cotton braided handle.

Perfect for the beach or the farmer's market!

Comes in 4 different contrasting colors.

Its the perfect bag for summer! 
Limited quantities are available so any ladies interested please contact us in the comments below (leave your email address) or email us directly at 
The tote bags are 50.00 Kuna. 
They can be shipped outside of Zagreb at the buyer expense.

Get your outfits ready and grab a White Rabbit Designs for 2Girls 1Brush Limited Edition tote bag before they run out!

Stay fashionable,

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Monday, July 21, 2014

My Summer Essentials

Hello Ladies,

Yes it's that time of year, summer! We all love summer for many reasons, of course including bronze skin, but sometimes it's hard to keep up with your regular daily rituals during summer because our skin and hair both change.
Here are some of my favorite summer finds and essentials which I use on a daily basis throughout the months of June, July and August.

My skin is naturally oily, so when I walk out into the hot sun this just gets worse. The Vichy Normaderm Total Mat daily hydrating gel keeps me shine free through the summer days. Whether I'm wearing makeup or not, I always have this gel underneath. Just to note, although it's called a gel, it has more of a moisturizer feel to it, but not as heavy as cream. The packaging is small however a little goes a long way. I just put a dot on my forehead and chin and both my cheeks and in spreading, I cover my whole face with the product.

No one wants hot stinky feet in the summer. If I am wearing ballet flats I always spray my feet with this Oriflame Feet Up Reviving Foot Spray. One thing I have to point out.. this smells AMAZING!!! I am absolutely 100% obsessed with the eucalyptus & mint smell and this foot spray does it perfectly. Just enough mint to cool you with a wonderful hint of eucalyptus. The spray keeps my feet smelling lovely all day. When I come home from a long day of walking in flip-flops, I spritz this on as it gives my feet a relaxing refreshing feeling. 

I bought this shampoo this year to try for the first time. I usually don't go for shampoo and conditioner in one but I thought I would give it a shot. This stuff smells so good. Its like summer in a bottle. It has my favorite coconut/summer tanning lotion smell and the texture is great. I do use a conditioner after it as well as I have drier hair. The shampoo is great for getting your hair back to "normal" after a day in the sun/salt/pool. It washes off all the impurities and protects your hair from over drying or being attacked too much by salt water or sun.

This is my absolute favorite product and I have been using it for as long as it came out. I always burn when I go in the sun, no matter what protection I wear so when I get a tan, I want to hold onto it like a child holds onto its candy. This product not only moisturizes my skin and prolongs my tan but it also has self-tanner in it which turns my pinkish tan into a nice golden hue. I am absolutely obsessed and if this product was ever discontinued, I would have a nice long letter to write to Garnier.

This is also a product that I tried for the first time this year and I am quite impressed. I love the lightness of this tanning lotion and I love how it has carotene in it. Like you already know, I tend to burn and so when I do tan, I get a pinkish color and have always wanted the golden glow that olive skinned girls have. This product helps with that as the carotene helps me get a more golden color.

I could write you a whole novel about this product but I will make it short and sweet. If I was stuck on a deserted island and I could only take one thing, this would be it. If you watch any you tube beauty vloggers then you have certainly heard of this product. Yes, it's that amazing. The It's a 10 miracle plus keratin hair spray is nothing short of a miracle! The name is 100% right on! Although its a spray, I spray it into my hands (it has the consistency of a conditioner) and spread it throughout my hair as to use up as much product as possible. There is not a day that goes by that I don't put this in my hair. I used to have very very paper dry ends. When I last cut my hair and started to use this product, my hair has been reborn. No more dry ends, no more tangles do to the dry hair meets wind effect. If there is one thing you would need for your hair, this would be it. It has made my hair so healthy shiny and moisturized that I can not longer love without it. 10 out of 10 in my book ladies.

The My body After Sun body wash from Bipa is a great body wash for after the beach. It smells ocean-y fresh and cleans off all the salt residue that sticks to your body after being in the water. It has a cooling affect which is awesome after you've been in the sun all day and even better if you get a sunburn.

So now that I have re-arranged my skin care regimen to adapt to summer, I must say I am very satisfied with the products that I have been using. Some of these products I will even continue to use throughout Fall and Winter.

Stay cool,
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Monday, July 7, 2014

June Favorites 2014

Evo mene sa još jednim mjesečnim favoritima.. Ovoga puta se ponavlja jedan proizvod, i ne zato jer nisam imala neki drugi favorit, nego zato što je toliko savršen da  se opet morao pojaviti među favoritima ovog mjeseca...
Da ne odugovlačim sa brbljanjem, dame i gospodo ovo su zvijezde lipnja :)

Da da, dobro vidite, malu žutu bočicu sa princezom i da da, to je dječji proizvod, a sada ću Vam reći zašto je ta bočica među favoritima. U zadnje vrijeme moja kosa, nije moja kosa, kao da je nečija tuđa, i uopće me ne sluša, i to mi je već počelo malo ići na živce :) Dakle petlja se, i dobivam dredlove kao Bob Marley... I trebalo mi je nešto što će ovu moju grivu raspetljati, jer nije uopće bitno koliko ja nju puta počešljala ona je nakon 2 sekunde opet zapetljana. Dva su razloga zašto sam baš dječiji proizvod za raščešljavanje kose odabrala. Prvi je jer miriši po trešnji :) , a drugi jer mi je trebao za malu nećakinju koja očito ima iste probleme kao i mi veliki. 
Odličan je, raspetlja mi kosu odma. Ako želite kupite, nećete požaliti.
Le Petit Marseillais ova predivna posudica, sa još predivnijim mirisom me oduševila. Maska za oštećenu kosu s karite mlijekom i medom, jedna riječ PREDIVNO :)
Organix maroccan curling perfection defining cream, super je za ljetne mjesece, jer samo operem kosu i posušim ručnikom i utrljam u vrhove kose, malo stiliziram kosu i Ta-Da, spremna sam. Ne volim koristi nikakve fenove, figare i ekipu po ljeti, jer mislim da je kosi već dovoljno sunce i more i sol, i da joj jadnoj ne treba još dodatna vrućina. Inaće imam blago valovitu kosu, pa je ova kremica idealna za beach look.

Ah taj prokleti celulit, sa svim prehranama i vježbama i litre i litre vode koje dnevno popijem ni to mu nije dovoljno da se barem trunčicu smanji, ali zato evo rješenja. Firming cellulite serum, učvrščuje kožu i samim time celulit je manje vidljiv. Ali ovaj serum  samo 5 %  pomaže, cure moje bez kvalitetne prehrane i vježbe nema te čarobne kreme koja će ukloniti ovu napast :)
Inače ljeti volim voćne mirise, i sve što ima veze sa kokosom, ali nikako nisam mogla odoljeti vaniliji. Body scrub sa shea maslacom, vitaminom E, ostavlja kožu glatkom i hidratiziranom.
PINK  zvijezdica moja. Maslac za tijelo koji miriši predobro, voćno ma baš ljetni miris, a najbolja stvar je što ima u sebi sitne zlatne čestice što je idealno za lijepi preplanuli ten.

Jean Paul Gaultier Summer fragnance, obožavam ga, i nemogu Vam opisati miris morat ćete do parfumerije :)
Make up
Make up base Sweet Princess kupljen u Bangkoku, nježnog mirisa, čak malo miriši i na kremu za sunčanje :) ostavlja lice nježnim i glatkim idealna podloga za make up.
Obožavam ljeti "žive" boje, malo rumenila, malo maskare i ruž na usnice i to je to, to je dovoljno, takve boje podignu cijelokupan izgled. Nisam se mogla baš odlučiti za jedan ruž pa eto Vam 3 :) . I tu se pojavljuje ponovo Revlon Colorburst...
Revlon Colorburst-Audacious
Nyx butter lipstick-Little Susie
Paula Dorf-Razzle

Curke to je to!
 Pišite nam, komentirajte, kakve biste postove htjele čitati
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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

☀ Summer nails ☀

Cure, evo još jedna inspiracija za noktiće.... od zalaska sunca do lubenice ;)
Ljeto je stiglo i vrijeme je da se poigrate noktima, nije uopće bitno koje boje, kakav oblik nokta, samo neka je zabavno i šareno i neka vrišti ljeto :)

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