
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Pedicure Party-DIY Foot Soaks

Hello Ladies.

We all love to have prim and proper footsies but pedicures are too expensive! I love doing my own pedicures at home once a week to keep my toes happy. The first step is always the soak. After this weird winter we've been having and will probably carry on until February, there is no better time than to start preparing our feet for summer!

Here are some at home soak ideas which we can make with cheap, easy to get, ingredients.

 Lemon Foot Soak 
Lemon Juice
Lemon slices
Epsom salt (gorka sol)
Calming Lavender Foot Soak 
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Dried Lavender Flowers
Lime foot Soak 
  • small pieces of lime
  • several drops lime oil
  • half cup sea salt
  • 8-12 fresh mint leaves
Combine all the ingredients and add them to hot water.

Dead Skin Remover Soak

1/4 cup Listerine mouth wash
1/4 cup vinegar
1/2 cup warm water

Soak feet for 10 minutes and Voila! The dead skin practically falls off!

  •  Epsom Salt will soothe aches, eliminate smells and softens up rough skin. 
  • Baking Soda is good for exfoliating, leaving your skin soft and smooth and helps eliminate odors.
  • Lime is routinely used for its energizing, fresh and cheerful aroma. 
  • Peppermint is uplifting and fresh.  The menthol induces a cooling sensation, and can help to cool you down and help ease muscular aches and pains.

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1 comment:

  1. Pozz nominirala sam vas za liebster blog award :)
