Hello Pretties! I wanted to share with you some new things I purchased, used and loved this month! I like to switch up my shampoos and conditioning treatments from time to time as I feel it gives your hair a chance to try something new and it won't get used to any one product and that way stop taking in its benefits. I also can't sit still when it comes to hair treatments.. I'm always eager to try new ones and give a hunch a go. These are the products that I tried and loved for the month of January:
First I tried this Mango and Aloe Vera hair cream from DM's own brand Balea. I must say some of their products do shock me when it comes to the value mark. They are much less expensive then some other named products but I have found they are just as good! This hair cream is used on wet towel-dried hair and is a fun for all when it comes to its benefits. It locks in moisture, conditions, adds shine, and protects against heat. Now besides the smell being AMAZING, I can say this hair cream did stay true to its promises. My hair was easier to comb out, smoother, silkier, softer, and I had less flyaways. I would definitely recommend this product of you have thin straight hair like me.
Lush had a huge sale this month on all their Christmas products so of course, I went wild because its one of my favorite stores. Of all the things I bought and used, this shower gel was my favorite. The PONCHE shower gel has such a great holiday/Christmas smell that fills your bathroom, making it feel like the holidays are complete! I have a soft spot for Christmas themed beauty products as I try to drag out the holiday time as long as I can so choosing this shower gel was a no brainier for me.

Back to hair, I bought the Pantene Pro-V Heat Defense Gloss Spray for fine hair. It has a neutral smell to it, nothing too strong and nothing chemical smelling. You spray it on wet towel-dried hair and massage it throughout. Now sometimes it is hard to determine if a heat defense product is working, however, in this case I had a haircut when I bought this. I can see it is doing its job as my split ends due to blow-drying and curling, are slagging along and are not appearing as quick-after-a-cut as they would. For thin hair, I must say this hits the spot!
I have never tried a shampoo from Avon and when I came across this one smelling up the page all nice, I had to give it a try. The Avon Naturals Moisturizing Shampoo with Avocado and Macadamia does live up to Avon standards. The smell is divine! The shampoo leaves my hair feeling silky and drunk with moisture. No more second day dry ends for me! Along with the shampoo, I had to try the hair mask as well. The mask is very thick so don't let the size of the package fool you, a little goes a long way. It leaves my hair easy to comb out, silky and happy!

Since I only use masks once every 5 washes, I had to get a new conditioner as well. I decided to try the Aussie Luscious Long Conditioner. Not going to lie, the fact that the bottle says "for hair long enough to swish'' won me over! I'm a softie for good marketing. Seeing this in the store I thought, "I want my hair to swish!!!!!!!." And boy does it swish. Now I cannot say with certainty that this protects or helps my hair grow but I have noticed longer, smoother, and softer hair after using this conditioner. It prevents my thin ends from tangling up day-after-wash. For longer, thinner hair, I would definitely recommend it!
And now for the Giveaway news:
Guess what ladiess.. we will be doing a big giveaway in April 2014! As I am going on my annual trip to my hometown, New York, in the end of March, we thought what a better giveaway to have then American products! We can't tell you what the prize will be yet, but we can tell you this:
The prize will be a group of beauty and fashion items available for purchase in America only.
There will be 2 prize packages up for grabs!
The giveaway will be available for Croatia residents only.
All the rules will be posted as soon as the prize packages are set!
ovo mlijeko za kosu od Balee je moja velika ljubav, i stvarno odlično njeguje kosu, miris mu je božanstven
ReplyDeleteno nakon nekog vremena sam se zasitila mirisa, pa sam prešla na neka druga sredstva, no sad kad sam ga opet vidjela razmišljam da ga ponovo kupim :D :D
Hej, svakako javi kada nadjes nekakvu zamjenu za Baleino mlijeko...Nastojim isprobavati nove proizvode, kako se kosa nebi navikla na samo jedno sredstvo :)