Whether you need to cover greys or you just like to change your mind, most of us have experienced hair coloring at one time or another. But then we also know how expensive and annoying coloring can be. When those roots start to come in... boy does it get ugly. You can go from glamorous to trashy over night. Remember, friends don't let friend show roots. So to avoid such situations, here are a few tips on how to help your hair color last longer and prevent those empty pockets and ratty roots.

1. Use a shampoo for color treated hair.
The quickest way to loose your hair color is by using the wrong shampoo. Anytime any hair coloring is concerned, whether highlights or a full head of color, the most important thing to remember is that you must use a shampoo for color treated hair. No matter how much moisture, fullness, etc.. your hair is missing, the color treatment always comes first.
Other shampoos that are targeted to specific needs such as dandruff or volume strip your color and give your hair a lack of shine. A color treated shampoo is vital as it replenishes the hair, moisturizes it, and protects it from any other styling as hair dye, as most of you know, no matter how new or expensive, still damages your hair in some sense. If you use the correct shampoo, this damage is minimal!
2. Use a treatment before coloring.
The best way to prepare for a coloring is to use a treatment to rid the hair of residue that will effect the color and will not protect the follicles for damage. BioSilk Clarifying Treatment is a cleansing formula that removes minerals, build up or residue on your hair. It the perfect treatment to prepare your hair for coloring or any type of chemical treatment.
3. Hydrate your hair in between colorings.
Dry hair loses color quicker so besides a good shampoo for color treated hair, you must use a good conditioner that will keep your hair hydrated throughout washings. The best is to use a conditioner for color treated hair also. This will help maintain the moisture and shine in color treated hair. Use a mask once a week while at home and cover with a shower cap to keep the mask deep conditioning with heat activation. This creates a mega moisturizer like we talked about in this post.
4. Use an Egg Wash Mask.
Egg yolks are like magic for your hair. I hate the taste of eggs so when they make their way to my shopping cart, you better believe they will be for my hair. They make your hair shinier, softer and healthier, which in total helps to maintain your color as well. The yolk in eggs also helps your hair to grow faster. Yes you heard it right... faster! Imagine that. Mix 2 egg yolks with 2 tbsp of olive oil and massage this into your scalp. Cover your head with a bag or shower cap and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes and voila! I do this once a week when I can, and believe me.. it does wonders!
5. Avoid Hot Water
As much as a hot shower feels great during the winter, it does numbers on your hair. Hot water dries the hair follicles and makes your color fade quicker. When showering and washing your hair, its best to use lukewarm water. When rinsing conditioner or a mask out, try to rinse with the coldest water your head can take. Cold water makes your hair hold moisture longer and helps add shine!
6. Avoid Using Drug Store Hair Color!
As much as professional salon coloring is more expensive, believe me when I say, it is worth the MONEY! Store bought haircolor does not do justice for your hair! Pay the extra 100 kuna and your hair will thank you! Not to mention you will need to color your hair less often and thus will end up being the cheaper option, as most of us need more than one store bought box when coloring anyway. The fact of the matter is, hair stylists are professionals and have dealt this all types of hair. They know what they are doing. They will get the color you want, whereas a boxed hair-dye is gamble. The color is never what you expected. Store bought dyes also contain cheaper ingredients and ammonia, which dries your hair out more and thus coloring is needed more often. Not to mention, dying in a salon is always better looking. I can always tell a hair dyed head from a salon dyed head. Salon coloring is customized for you! Hair colorists will choose the color and type of treatment based on several points:
- what you natural color is
- the level of gray you have
- what color is on it now
- your skin tone
- the level of porosity in your hair
These points all together determine what color you will get and how the color will affect your hair. As this is something only stylists know and take into account, I would suggest dishing out the extra cash for a professional coloring job at a salon.
7. Use a Gloss in Between Colorings
When your color is feeling a bit under the weather after a coloring, you can always freshen up with a gloss. These are not as harmful or damaging for your hair so feel free to grab for a drugstore gloss. Glosses add a bit more shine and life to your color when your not quite ready for another coloring. They are inexpensive and are easy to apply. A good gloss will also protect your hair from environmental damage which will cause premature color fading.
Happy coloring!