
Friday, May 30, 2014

Makeup Revolution London Newbies & Review

Hello Lovies,

Makeup Revolution recently came to Pink Panda, so I decided to try a few things out for myself. To be honest, I have never seen this brand before and the prices did seem very enticing. I was just in the market for a new concealer and a new pink lipstick for the spring so I figured I'd give the brand a shot.

Firstly, I bought the "Liquid concealer" in Fair. The color matches my skin perfectly and the texture is exactly what I was looking for. It goes on creamy but dries fairly quickly so it leaves you with a flawless finish and not a cake-like mess. The coverage is very good. I would recommend this concealer for under-eye circles as well as minor blemishes. I was very happily surprised at how good the product is for the price I paid.

Secondly, I bought the "The ONE concealer" in Light. This concealer is more of a lighter type and has a light, almost clear, moisturizing cream on the outside, with the actual concealer on the inside. I also hit on the perfect color for me with this one. This one has coverage but I would put it at a medium coverage range. I would recommend this concealer for covering discoloration or any redness in the skin. Its very creamy and light and applies like lipstick.

The last thing I got is the "Amazing care" lipstick in Electric Love. The color is exactly what I had hoped for. Just the right amount of pink without being to strong or going overboard. I love how the outer layer is a clear base with argan oil. It goes on feeling like a lip balm more than a lipstick. It comes out very shiny and does not leave you lips feeling dry. 

Given the prices, and the quality which I have now experienced, I will definitely be giving Makeup Revolution a notch in my beauty brand book. I'm excited to tryout some of the other things they offer. When it comes to hunting for makeup at drugstore prices, this brand surely does deliver what it promises.

Happy hunting, 

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Sunday, May 25, 2014

☼ Get ready for summer ☼ healthy breakfast

Doručak je najvažniji obrok dana! Znam, znam mnogi vjerojatno ujutro prvo misle na kavu, a za doručak uvijek ima vremena !
Danas ćemo se posvetiti zdravom doručku....
Ljetne vrućine, želite biti što manje doma i što više vani? Ovo je rješenje kako brzo spremiti doručak, a opet pojesti nešto zdravo!!
Sve navedeno i sama papam... i zaista je fino :)
Grčki jogurt i jagode 

Naravno možete u jogurt staviti bilo koje voće po izboru, bademe, orahe... Grčki jogurt paše uz sve :D

Voćna salata

Možete napraviti i večer prije, zdjelu raznog voća i tako pripremiti za ujutro :) Ukusno, hladno i zdravo voće ....

Kajgana sa šparogama i feta sirom

Ako ne volite šparoge, možete zamijeniti s cherry rajčicama ili bilo kojem povrću po izboru...

Fitness žitarice sa jogurtom ili mlijekom

Volim dodati 1 bananu ili par jagoda unutra :) jako fino


Definitivno najbrži i najbolji doručak, sve ubacite u blender, i gotovo :)

Recepte za ovakav jedan fini smoothie donosimo uskoro :)

Koji je Vaš omiljeni ljetni doručak?
Pišite nam kakve biste postove htjeli vidijeti u "Get ready for summer" 

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Garnier Primer & Moisturizer Review

Hello Pretties,
My skin has decided to break out a lot recently. I believe the cause has been stress and french fries...Definitely the french fries. Anyway, I decided to try out a new moisturizer from Garnier which is specified for acne. Along with this moisturizer, I had to give the new Smoothing Perfecting Primer a shot. I keep reading a hearing about it and since I do have enlarged pores, I finally caved and bought it.
Garnier Smoothing Perfecting Primer- Optical Effect
 I hate my pores. They are so large. They are genetic. They look unhappy. They look angry. A cosmetologist once told me "You have the best skin- we call it young skin." Oily and enlarged pores. I will get wrinkles very very late. She looked at me with this big smile as if to say "You're so lucky." I stared back at her with this blank look on my face.I still hate my pores. Cleaning them is impossible and minimizing them, UGH. You can't make your pores smaller, but you can make them APPEAR smaller. So after all the hype and reviews, I thought I would give this primer a shot. Within the first 5 seconds of me putting it on... Bamm! My pores were smaller! Or at least they looked that way. Weeks later and I use the stuff everyday and I am in love. Its so light and almost fluffy textured. It minimizes the looks of my pores within seconds and is a great primer for makeup. It can also be worn alone or under an SPF lotion. The product also fights shine on the skin, which is always an added plus when you don't want to look like a disco ball. Not to mention, I love the packaging. It's the perfect size and of course the pink helps a lot. I bought the primer at DM.
 Garnier Clear Skin 24h Moisturizer
This moisturizer jumped into my shopping back after I embarked on the search for a pimple reducing moisturizer due to my recent breakouts. After spending almost 1/2 an hour going through all the moisturizers in the store, I decided to give this one a shot. I am pleasantly surprised. I use it day and night after cleansing and it has dried out my blemishes within 3 days. I do have oily skin so I am not sure how it would work on dry skin, but I would recommend it for younger acne prone combination to oily skin. I bought the moisturizer at Muller.
These two are my daily go-to products at the moment and I am quite happy with the results so far.
Have you tried them?
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Sunday, May 18, 2014

☼ Get ready for summer ☼

Natural flavored water recipes

Još malo pa nam dolazi dugoo priželjkivano ljeto J Za ovo posebno godišnje doba, odlučile smo raditi postove posvećene ljetu pod nazivom " Get ready for summer ". Svake nedjelje objavit ćemo novi post.

Prvi post bit će posvećen vodi…
Svi jako dobro znamo kako je voda bitna za život, donosimo recepte za vodu s okusima.
Kako dosadni H2O pretvoriti u nešto zdravo, osvježavajuće i fino? Evo kako….

Thursday, May 15, 2014

New in- Online Shopping (Nyx, LA girl)

Hello ladies!
I recently found some great sales online and of course my addiction was stronger than my control so I had to buy a few things. Everything I bought was on sale and it only took 10 days to arrive- which if you have shopped online before, you know is an amazing shipping time.

When I was in NY I picked up a lot of Nyx lipsticks and lip glosses but I did not hit up the lip pencils. So when I saw them on sale, I thought this would be a great time to give them a try.

 I decided on the colors 724 (Chaos) and 720 (Honey Nectar). 

At first glance, the colors seem very creamy and when I swatched them on my hand, I realized that they are indeed very light and creamy, much like the other lip colors that Nyx has. I was very pleasantly surprised by the richness of the colors.

The site had many Nyx brushes on sale so I decided to add onto my collection with these three beauties:

The B31 is a small eye shadow brush, mainly used for the crease of the eye. The B19 is a lip and eyeliner brush. I bought it to use as a lip-liner brush so that I can precisely apply lipstick to the lines of my lips much like lip-liner, before filling them in. The B20 is a concealer corrector brush which is great for under eye concealer or when you have a little spot here or there. Much like the rest of Nyx products, I was pleasantly surprised with the brushes. Their texture is great and the handles are very sturdy which is a big plus for me.

I also purchased 4 nail polishes from the brand L.A girl. Two are a 2 in 1 which were on sale.
One side is the color meant to be used as a base, whereas the other side is the glitter "topping." The colors are very rich and look like they will be lots of fun for toes in the summer! The pink and blue combo (Pop Artsy) has different shaped glitter chunks to add on top of the bright magenta pink base. The pink and pink combo (Pinksicle) has smaller silvery pink glitter to add on top of a lighter bubble gum pink shade. You can never have too much pink!

Since I'm obsessed with glitter nail polish (although hate the 20 minutes it takes to remove it), I had to get these two colors as well. The pink (Tinsel) is an opaque color with mother of pearl like glitter chunks. The purple and blue (Frisky) is a clear base with lots and lots of purple and blue glitter running throughout. I can't wait to try these out!

I purchased all these new goodies off the website Cherry Culture.They have great brands and always have things on sale. The packaging was perfect! Everything was neatly wrapped up as not to break or get damaged in the transport. I would highly recommend them for your next online shopping day!

Happy Shopping,

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Monday, May 12, 2014

Beauty Hacks

Life hacks, we all look them up and use them on a daily basis. I love that "OMG why didn't I think of that?!" moment. In all of our daily endeavors, there is a bit of hacks to be found. Sometimes it's just a matter of finding something out for ones self. Other times we come across a post on the Internet and the mind starts to work. We have thus compiled a visual of some of our favorite "OMG" moments.

Did you know...

AHH! I've been wearing them wrong the whole time! No wonder it doesn't work as good!

This is genius! Polka dot manicure made instantly easy!

Heating the eyeliner/lip-liner pencil gives a thicker creamier line. Even when you buy a liner that ends up being to hard and thin, you can just add a flame to it for a few seconds and Voila..worth the money!

This is amazing as it usually takes me about 10 minutes to put red lipstick on.. 2 To apply the lipstick and 8 to fix the spots where I went over my actual lips.

Especially don't forget to add perfume behind the knee. It will keep Mr. Cutie following you around the office or school all day :)

Under-eye concealer like we have never seen. Unbelievable what a little fanning out can do for those dark circles.

If you need me, I'll be in the bathroom heating up all my favorite gloss tubes...
Easy 2 minute hair-do for those "don't have time" mornings. It looks so chic and all it takes is three bobby pins.

Another polka dot manicure made easy. No need to spend the money on brushes when we all have a could hundred bobby pins lying around the bedroom floor. No seriously, go check!

Life just got a bit easier huh?

Happy hacking,

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*All photos found on the Internet*

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Lemons Can Make You More Beautiful part 1

Limun je jedna od najkorisnijih namirnica na našem planetu. Štiti od jako velikog broja bolesti, da ga se s pravom može nazvati super-hranom, ali isto tako je odličan za korištenje na koži, malo sam pronjuškala po internetu i pronašla nekoliko stvari koje su mi se čine cool, pa Vam ih donosim

 Svijetla koža

Siva boja lica, od silnog smoga, i prljavštine te stresa i razno raznih štetnih čimbenika u našem okolišu, pravo je čudo kako nam koža još i izgleda normalno. Sve što Vam treba je 3-4 soka iscijeđenog limuna, par kapi tople vode i to je to. Zatim sa blaznicama očistite lice, i  isperite, radite to ujutro i navečer i ubrzo će sivilo nestati s lica.

Masna koža i miteseri

Ako imate masnu kožu vrlo je vjerojatno da će te imati i akne. Koristite sok od limuna, umoćenu blaznicu u sok od limuna nanesite direktno na lice ili na područja pogođenim aknama. Limun ima i sposobnost smanjivanja pora J

Za glatku kožu
Jedna banana (zgnječena) pomiješana sa jednom žlicom limunovog soka, nanesite na lice i vrat i držite 10-15 minuta zatim isperite.

Zbogom peruti

Želite ukloniti perut, nije teško kao što mislite, jednostavno koristiti sok od limuna pomiješan s bjelanjkom, nanijeti na kosu od korijena do vrhova kose, držati 1 sat, zatim isprati hladnom vodom.

Ispadanje vlasi

Miješanjem 1 žlice limunovog soka pomiješanog s 4 žlice kokosovog ulja. Zatim nanijeti na kosu, oprati nakon 20 minuta.

Njega noktiju

Možete uroniti nokte u limunov sok na otprilike 10 minuta. Dobro očetkajte  noktiće prije ponovnog stavljanja u jednakom omjeru mješavinu bijelog octa i tople vode na 10 minuta, dobro isperite toplom vodom.
Postoji doista mnogo koristi od limuna. Možete ga koristiti na mnogo načina....

Idući post će biti posvećen razno raznim pripravcima od ovog prekrasnog voća.

Da li koristite limun u Vašoj njezi i kako?

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Friday, May 2, 2014

Beauty Haul from New York- Nyx, Elf, Forever21, Revlon, Essie

Hello ladies,
Amongst all the fun and interesting things that I did in New York, shopping took up quite a bit of my time. I took the opportunity to update and add to my makeup collection. Out with the old and in with the new! Its always best to do this from time to time. What some people don't know is that makeup does have an expiration date, and although it may "look" fine, does not mean it will be safe to still put on your face years or even months after.

Forever 21 Bronzer. I was looking for a darker and not so sparkly bronzer and I think I found it in this one. It is pretty dark so it will be perfect for summer when I get a tan!

These Nyx blushes are so cute. One is a baked blush and illuminator and the other is a regular blush. The pigment is so strong and pink. Its perfect for the spring!

From the left (clockwise) e.l.f illuminating bronzer, corrective concealer, blush/bronzer duo (check out the review here), and pressed powder. This is from e.l.f's studio line. Priced at only $3-$6 each, I must admit that these little compacts are definitely worth every penny and some!

Physicians Formula warm nude eye shadow palette. This is the darker palette of the series. Bruna did a post on the lighter one here. I absolutely LOVE these colors. This is the 3rd or 4th time I am repurchasing the same shadow palette and I am more than pleased. the colors are so warm and bronze they are perfect for a summer night when you're tan. I love the way they easily apply and the rich pigment stays all day! This is the Warm Nude palette, it is the slightly darker version of the Natural Nude palette which Bruna did a review on here.

I must say, these have to be my favorite purchase. The day to night palette and bronzer/blush eyeshadow makeup artist palette are more than worth every penny. Priced at $10-$15, they basically offer you every single eyeshadow color you could think of! I love how the bronzer/blush palette gives you various shades of bronzers and blushes so that you can switch them throughout the seasons!

   This e.l.f geometrical palette has the perfect night out colors. It has so many smokey eye options, the possibilities are endless. Just as all the rest of the e.l.f studio shadow palettes, the colors are rich and smooth and last all night.


E.l.f's moisturizing lipstick and forever 21's velvet lipstick. Besides the price attracting me, I was taken back by the colors of these three. I had to try them out. I am more than pleased. They are rich and creamy colors which are light to the touch.


Nyx butter lipstick. After hearing about these all over blogs and vlogs, I had to try them out for myself. I will admit it, it is definitely worth the hype! Although Nyx is a drugstore brand, I have to admit these lipsticks are my new favorite, even over my Estee Lauder and Dior colors.


Even lighter than the Nyx butter lipsticks is the butter gloss. These are perfect for a daily look and don't need reapplying every 10 minutes Nor are they "sticky."

Revlon color burst matte balm. Matte lipsticks are a new hit this year and so I had to try this stick out. I love the color. It is rich and creamy and comes on matte without being dry on your lips.


Nyx classic lipstick and matte lipstick. Again Nyx has done me right. The colors are perfect for summer and the texture is just like I like it, rich and creamy.

Essie nail polish in Stylenomics, Mochacino, Smokin' Hot, Lady Like, and Sparkle on Top
Barry M nail polish in Sour apple, Gold mine glitter, and marshmallow
H&M nail polish in silver, Pinktastic, and purple

 Butter nail lacquer in Knackered and Slapper

 Maybelline nail polish in Pretty in Polka and Guilded Rose

E.l.f and Forever 21 nail polish in Lilac, Teal Blue, Midnight Mystery, Pot of Gold, and no name pink


 My Uggs have been very dirty lately so I had to get a new Ugg cleaning kit. I would not clean them with any other products. If you follow the instructions carefully, this kit will bring your Uggs back to a wearable status.

 The Tangle Teezer is seriously God's gift to women. It is amazing! Hair wet or dry, it gets the knots out and in a gentle way so that don't lose any hairs and you don't rip at your hair or damage it. 

  Victoria's Secret always had my favorite body sprays and lotions. I bought this set which will last me at least the whole year. I love all they're scents. Amber Romance, Love Spell and Pure Seduction are 3 of their classic scents which will never go out of style.

Bath & Body Works is one of my favorite stores as they have the most amazing scented candles and body washes. These three candles, Island Waters, Hawaiian Hibiscus, and Black Sands is from their new Hawaiian Tropical line and I am in love with the way they smell!
And now all I have left to do is to organize this stuff. Although that is the most tedious part, it is always fun :)
Happy organizing,
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